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ROM techniques--PROM
1.肩关节屈曲 Shoulder: Flexion
2.肩关节伸展及过伸 Shoulder: Extension (Hyperextension)
3.肩关节外展和内收 Shoulder: Abduction and Adduction
4.肩关节内旋和外旋 Shoulder: Internal (Medial) and External(Lateral) Rotation
5.肩关节水平外展和内收 Shoulder: Horizontal Abduction and Adduction
6.肩胛骨:上提/下压,前伸/后缩(或称前屈/后伸),上旋/下旋 Scapula: Elevation/Depression, Protraction/Retraction, and Upward/Downward Rotation
7.肘关节:屈曲和伸展 Elbow: Flexion and Extension
8.肩关节和肘关节双关节活动(即肱三头肌延长) Elongation of Two-Joint Biceps Brachii Muscle
9.前臂:旋前与旋后 Forearm: Pronation and Supination
10.腕关节:掌屈,背伸,桡偏,尺偏 Wrist: Palmar Flexion ,Dorsiflexion, Radial ,Deviation
11.手:手弓的活动 PROM to the arch of the hand
12.掌指关节:屈曲和伸展 MP: Flexion and Extension
1.髋关节和膝关节联合:屈曲和伸展 Combined Hip and Knee: Flexion and Extension
2. 髋关节:伸展(过伸)Hip: Extension (Hyperextension)
3.髋关节:外展和内收 Hip: Abduction and Adduction
4.髋关节:内旋和外旋 Hip: Internal and External Rotation
5.踝关节:背屈和跖屈 Ankle: Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion
1.颈椎:屈曲和伸展 Cervical Spine:Flexion and Extension
2.颈椎:侧屈和旋转 Lateral Flexion (Side Bending) and Rotation(下图未体现明显侧屈可单独做侧屈)
1.腰椎:屈曲和伸展 Lumbar Spine:Flexion and Extension
2.腰椎:旋转 Lumbar Spine:Rotation
参考自Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniques 7th
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